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63 days*
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Quality of dying and death in intensive care units: family satisfaction
Cachexia is associated with depression, anxiety and quality of life in cancer patients
Breast cancer survivors-supportive care needs: systematic review
Oregon Death with Dignity Act access: 25 year analysis
Core elements of serious illness conversations: an integrative systematic review
Medical cannabis is effective for cancer-related pain: Quebec Cannabis Registry results
Opioids impair nivolumab outcomes: a retrospective propensity score analysis in non-small-cell lung cancer
Early palliative care perceptions by patients with cancer and primary caregivers: metaphorical language
Existential distress in family caregivers: scoping review of meaning-making interventions
Preference and actual place-of-death in advanced cancer: prospective longitudinal study
Unmet care needs of patients with advanced cancer and their relatives: multicentre observational study
Spiritual well-being, dignity-related distress and demoralisation at the end of life-effects of dignity therapy: a randomised controlled trial
Dexmedetomidine for dyspnoea
Single-arm clinical trials: design, ethics, principles
Early palliative care versus usual haematological care in multiple myeloma: retrospective cohort study
Seeking Excellence in End of Life Care UK (SEECare UK): a UK multi-centred service evaluation
Dysphagia screening post-stroke: systematic review
Depression prevalence in cardiovascular disease: global systematic review and meta-analysis
Burnout and attachment in oncology and palliative care healthcare professionals
Malignancy-related ascites in palliative care units: prognostic factor analysis